Wednesday, August 12, 2009

To those families waiting for their pictures to be edited or for your sneak peek to be posted - I have to apologize that it's taking so long.
I've been sick (nothing contagious - and though it has been speculated. . .
and do not plan to be for while, just got some bug that's been making me miserable)
& haven't been able to dedicate time to editing or much else these days. So, until I'm feeling a bit better I'm taking a little break from editing and am only taking a limited number of sessions (if you have already booked a session with me don't worry I've still got you down). I hope to get back to my normal schedule and routine here shortly but until then I've got to scale back a bit and then hope that this doesn't last much longer.
On another note
I've had quite a few people ask when the best time to book a session to get fall leaves would be. I LOVE fall leaves in pictures, it's such a beautiful time of the year.
So, if you're wanting fall leaves in your family pictures . . .
if you'd like them with fall colors up in the canyons plan on booking your session for sometime during the last week of September or the first week of October.
If you'd like them with fall colors down in the valley plan on booking your session for sometime during the middle of October.
If you have any questions or would like to book your fall family session just e-mail me (the address is on sidebar)

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