Saturday, November 28, 2009

Holiday Giveaway is now closed. . .

Thanks to everyone who nominated someone for my Holiday Giveaway!  I've recieved some wonderful entries.  But now the hard part begins. . . trying to pick a winner.  I'll be announcing the winner next Sunday, Dec 6th so be sure to check back then to find out who won!! 

Thanks again to all the wonderful people who have contributed to the giveaway to make it that much more special for the winning family.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Baby K

I have to say I just love photographing this sweet little gal.  Her mom brought her in for some 4 month pictures a little while back & I just had a blast with her.  She's such a beautiful baby and is just so full of personality.
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Monday, November 23, 2009

Still Looking To Have Family Pictures Done?

I'll only be booking limited sessions in December & January.  So if you're interested in scheduling a session during those months you'll want to contact me about it soon so I can get you on the schedule. 

I still have a few sessions available in December & a few left in January too.

**if you're pregnant & wanting to schedule a newborn photo session but not sure exactly when your bundle will arrive. . . that's just fine.  Just e-mail me when your due date & then once your baby is born (or if you're being induced & have an induction date let me know) just let me know & we'll schedule the session then.**

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Just A Reminder

That you still have until Thursday (Thanksgiving) to submit your nomination for my

And just to get you excited here's a little taste of what else the winning person/family will get on top of a photo session for their family . . .

- the complete collection of all 7 of Peter Breinholt's CD's (courtesy of Peter Breinholt)
- hair styling the day of the photo session (courtesy of Mindee Chidester)
- Girlie Accessories (courtesy of we're just tutu cute)

Stay Tuned for more of what's included in the prize package.

And don't forget that if the person/family you nominate wins the prize package you'll win a FREE mini session!!

Baby C

I'm just getting these pictures loaded on my computer & couldn't help but post this one. . . this baby was so snuggly, curly & perfect.
I've had so many great sessions lately & have been editing like crazy lately so expect a whole lot of new posts here soon. . . and you can probably expect to see some more of this cute little guy too!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

November Monthly Special. . . a Giveaway!!

I'm a few days late in posting this month's special but I promise it's been worth the wait.

I have to admit, we're getting into my favorite time of the year.  I just love the holidays!  And, this time of year I always sit back and think about all the many things that I am so thankful for.  Now, I know that for many this last year has been a rough year thanks to the lovely downfall of the economy and other from other varying circumstances.  Many people we know and love have lost their jobs, homes and have had a very difficult time 'bouncing back' and may be having a hard time right now.  So this month rather than offering a "special" I'm going to have a little giveaway with a little perk for anyone that enters. 

So here it goes. . .

We all know of 'someone'.

You know. . . 'someone' who has had a tragedy, is struggling to stay afloat, is raising a family while holding down more than one job, or is always giving selflessly despite extenuating personal circumstances. 'Someone' who can't afford a photo session for their family, but who would cherish it this holiday season and for years to come. 'Someone' who truly deserves a year-round reminder of just how special they and their family are.

You know 'someone'. We all do. I guarantee it.

I want to know who they are, and with your help I want them to know how much they are appreciated, loved and cared for this Holiday Season by giving them a FREE photo session.
(and some other goodies to go with it - I'll post about those as we get closer to the submission deadline) 

Oh, and the best part? The person who nominates the winner will recieve a Mini Session of their own. What better reason to show some love could there possibly be?

But wait. . . there's more. . .
Just for nominating someone you'll get $5 off of your next photo session with me!  That's reason enough right there to nominate that 'someone' in your life!!

The winner must live in or be willing to travel to the Utah Wasatch Front area for their session. Tell me who you know, what they're experiencing, and why they deserve a photo session. Please include a way to contact both yourself and the person you're nominating. You can nominate more than one family
but. . . sorry you can't nominate yourself

Then, e-mail your nomination to - by midnight on Thanksgiving Day. The winner will be announced on Dec 6th (my birthday) just in time to get their pictures done before Christmas ... so start thinking of that 'someone' in your life and get nominating! I can't wait to read all of your entries! 

**If you or someone you know would be interested in contributing to this giveaway in any way,  (to make it an even more special experience for the winning family)  please e-mail me at before Dec 6th - Thanks!!**