I love spring, it's gotta be my favorite time of year! I love the sight of newly green grass, fresh flowers, blue skies, and the thought of . . . NO MORE SNOW! It's been a long winter around our house and I'm anxiously awaiting spring's arrival! So with spring quickly approaching I've been working on making some changes around here including - monthly specials, new pricing structure, fun new products, and more!
So come back soon to see some of the fun new changes on the way!
I've had some great shoots in the last 2 months but. . . my hard drive crashed a few weeks ago and it's possible that I've lost EVERYTHING (including every picture taken of my 2 boys). I've been pretty devastated about the possible loss. But thanks to my wonderful husband - he found a place that specializes in data recovery & hopefully we'll be able to get at least some of our picture files back (it was a 500Gigabyte hard drive that was almost full - yikes that's a lot of pictures)! Anyway - this new hope of recovering my images is making me even more excited about some of the changes coming this way!
It's going to be a great year!
Oh & I'm now booking through the end of June - e-mail me regarding availability on your preferred date!